• UMEDA Tetsuya
    OH Haji(お はじ)


The Tokyo Contemporary Art Award (TCAA) was established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Arts and Space (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture) in 2018 as a contemporary art prize for mid-career artists who have been active or based in Japan whose work, including work developed overseas, inspires expectations of potential for even greater achievements.
Particular importance is given to the need to provide the best possible support at the optimal time in the artist’s career. The selection process includes research on the artists and visits to their studios by members of the international selection committee, to deepen their understanding of the artist’s thinking, style, and career stage. The two recipients of the award will receive several years of continuous support.

Award Details

1) Monetary prize: ¥3,000,000
2) Support for overseas activities: Up to ¥2,000,000 (travel, accommodation, research and production expenses)
3) An award exhibition to be held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
4) Publication of a monograph (After holding the Exhibition), Support for spread the artists abroad.


Schedule Schedule


Tokyo Metropolitan Government,
Tokyo Arts and Space (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)

Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS) is an arts center dedicated to the creation and promotion of contemporary artistic expression from Tokyo, and supports a wide spectrum of artistic activities including crossover and experimental projects.
With two main venues, TOKAS Hongo, as a facility for presentation of works, and the TOKAS Residency, where resident creators can create works, TOKAS provides ongoing support for contemporary creative activities through various programs, and will continue to nourish the rich culture of the metropolis of Tokyo, where diverse expressions are welcomed.

Selection Secretariat

‘Tokyo Contemporary Art Award’
Arts Initiative Tokyo [AIT]


Tokyo Arts and Space 'Tokyo Contemporary Art Award' team
Email: tcaa[at]tokyoartsandspace.jp *Please change (at) to @.